An Eventual History of Longue DuréesEndless Melt presents Goodgrief Commune’s debut release An Eventual History of Longue Durées: a punk-primitive free-noise triple cassette documenting the Melbourne via Tasmania faux-skronk aesthetic in all its harmonically oversaturated glory. Evidence of many inner-city days spent indoors, hitting record on a found cassette recorder, exuding shambolic sonics to be captured on a stack of found cassette tapes; and rolling till the spools ground to a halt. The results were crudely spliced together, bound up in a monstrous collection, and are now available by masquerading as an album.
An Eventual History captures a polyphony of mutant heart-wrenchers and hissed-out freeform beauty – if you can hear it amongst the scree, clatter and clang.
Hear the album on Bandcamp:
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